Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Small Bathroom Design Helped By A Picture Phone

Put your picture phone to good use when designing your small bathroom

Designing a bathroom can be very exciting but it can also be frustrating because there is so much choice in everything. Have you ever walked around the bathroom showrooms hopping from one great looking design to the next but never settling on anything? I know I have. If you're designing a small bathroom then you have the added problem of remembering the sizes of everything and which combinations will fit. Why not get your picture phone out of your pocket and put it to some good use.
Researching for your bathroom makeover

I've just returned from a trip to the bathroom showrooms. My parents are thinking about remodeling their bathroom that is quite small and I thought that I would help out by taking a look at what's available.
Tip! Everything you need to know about bathroom designs.

As soon as I walked into the showroom my eyes started to glaze over with the sheer enormity of the problem of trying to remember what I see. There was no way that I was going to remember the subtle differences between 6 toilets that I liked and might fit into the room. I had thought to take a pen and paper but even this wasn't going to help much.

Use your picture phone

I have a mobile or cellular phone in my pocket that I take everywhere with me and I often forget that it has a built in digital camera. I've had it a few months now and all I've use the camera for is to take a few holiday snaps when I forgot to take my real camera with me. It doesn't take the best pictures in the world but they're good enough.
Tip! It's so important to make a bathroom accessory and shower curtain list before you start work on your new bathroom design, especially if you have a small bathroom.

So I pulled it out of my pocket and started to snap away at the items that I was interested in. I used the notepad and pen to give me an indication of size by placing them on or around the things I was taking pictures of. If I were taking pictures of a toilet for instance I would lay the pad on the top of the cistern and the pen on the seat because that gave me the measurements I needed.

My pictures came out surprisingly well. My camera phone only has 1.3 M pixels but it gave me great images that were perfect for reminding me of what I'd seen and showing to my parents to give them ideas.

Bathroom picture tip: Lighting

The lighting in most bathroom showrooms tends to be very good because they want to show the items for sale at their best. This meant that there was plenty of light for my camera phone to work. Some camera phones have small flash lamps, which can help if you need to take a picture of something in shadow or you want to get an image of the underside of something.
Tip! Some people prefer to go with a high tech bathroom vanity. Modern design elements such as stainless steel, frosted glass and chrome accents make high tech bathroom vanities perfect for contemporary bathroom design.

Bathroom picture tip: Distance

Get close enough to the object that you are interested in so that it fills the frame of the picture but don't get too close because your camera phone may not be able to focus properly.

Bathroom picture tip: Backlight

Try not to photograph anything with a bright light such as a window in the background. This can cause the image of what you are interested in to be too dark. If you have to attempt this then you should use manual exposure mode or backlight compensation mode on your camera phone. Not all picture phones will have these features and it's probably a fiddle to use them when they do so the situation is best avoided.

Bathroom picture tip: Measurements

Place a ruler, pen, notepad or anything that you know the size of on the object of interest to give you an idea of scale when you look at the pictures later.
Tip! Visit Shower Curtains Showcase to receive a variety of free bathroom design ideas as well as view a wide assortment of the shower curtain possibilities ranging from kids shower curtains to designer shower curtains.

Bathroom picture tip: Notes

Write a brief description of the object on the notepad before you take a picture of it sitting on your bathroom item. This can be very valuable later when you are trying to remember what's what from the photos. Don't write too small though or you won't be able to read it.
Tip! Small bathroom design ideas Small Bathroom Design at http://www.bathroomsremodeling.

Bathroom picture tip: Take lots of pictures

Take as many pictures as you can, it won't cost you any more and the more you have the more information you will gather.

Well I'm off to organise the small bathroom pictures that I took. You might be interested in the pictures that I took from before and after my own small bathroom-remodeling project. They're on the web page Pictures of small bathrooms before and after remodeling

Free bathroom design graph paper for you to print out and use to plan your bathroom renovation Free Graph Paper for Bathroom Design at

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